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Environmental Dependency

= JDK 1.8

= Maven 2.2.1

Build Project

Create a maven web project through ide or Maven. Take eclipse as an example,File -> New -> Project -> Maven Project -> maven-archetype-webapp

Then enter the groupid and artifactid. After the generation, you can import them through eclipse. The directory structure is as follows:

├── pom.xml
└── src
   ├── main
   │   ├── java
   │   │   └── tars
   │   │       └── test
   │   │          ├──
   │   │          └──
   │   ├── resources
   │   │   └── servants.xml
   │   └── webapp
   └── test
       ├── java
       │   └── tars
       │       └── test
       │           └──
       └── resources

Config Dependency

Add dependent jar package in pom.xml in the build project.
