Skip to the content.



    "require": {
        "phptars/tars-server": "~0.1",
        "phptars/tars-deploy": "~0.1",
        "phptars/tars2php": "~0.1",
        "phptars/tars-log": "~0.1",
        "ext-zip" : ">=0.0.1"
    "scripts": {
        "deploy": "\\Tars\\deploy\\Deploy::run"
namespace App\Tars;
use \Tars\report\ServerFSync;
use \Tars\report\ServerFAsync;
use \Tars\report\ServerInfo;
use \Tars\Utils;
class Manage

    public function getNodeInfo(){
        $conf = $this->getTarsConf();
        if( !empty($conf) ){
            $node = $conf['tars']['application']['server']['node'];
            $nodeInfo = Utils::parseNodeInfo($node);
            return $nodeInfo;
            return [];

    public function getTarsConf(){
        $tars_conf = dirname(BASE_PATH,2).'/conf/'.env('PNAME').'.config.conf';

        if( is_file($tars_conf) ){
            $conf = Utils::parseFile($tars_conf);
            return $conf;
            var_dump('get tars_conf file error : '.$tars_conf);
            return [];

    public function keepAlive()
        $pname = env('PNAME');
        $pname = explode('.',$pname);

        $adapter = env('PNAME').'.objAdapter';
        $application = $pname[0];
        $serverName = $pname[1];
        $masterPid = getmypid();

        $nodeInfo = $this->getNodeInfo();
        if( empty($nodeInfo) ){
            var_dump('keepAlive getNodeInfo fail');
            return null;
        $host = $nodeInfo['host'];
        $port = $nodeInfo['port'];
        $objName = $nodeInfo['objName'];

        $serverInfo = new ServerInfo();
        $serverInfo->adapter = $adapter;
        $serverInfo->application = $application;
        $serverInfo->serverName = $serverName;
        $serverInfo->pid = $masterPid;

        $serverF = new ServerFSync($host, $port, $objName);

        $adminServerInfo = new ServerInfo();
        $adminServerInfo->adapter = 'AdminAdapter';
        $adminServerInfo->application = $application;
        $adminServerInfo->serverName = $serverName;
        $adminServerInfo->pid = $masterPid;
        var_dump(' keepalive ');
namespace App\Listener;
use Swoft\Bean\Annotation\Listener;
use Swoft\Event\EventHandlerInterface;
use Swoft\Event\EventInterface;
use Swoft\Task\Event\TaskEvent;
use Swoft\Event\AppEvent;
use App\Tars\Manage;
use Swoft\Memory\Table;
 * Task finish handler
 * @Listener(AppEvent::APPLICATION_LOADER)
class APPStart implements EventHandlerInterface
    public static $num = 0;
     * @param \Swoft\Event\EventInterface $event
    public function handle(EventInterface $event)
        //服务启动  只上报一次 TODO
        $manage = new Manage();
namespace App\Tasks;
use App\Lib\DemoInterface;
use App\Models\Entity\User;
use Swoft\App;
use Swoft\Bean\Annotation\Inject;
use Swoft\HttpClient\Client;
use Swoft\Redis\Redis;
use Swoft\Rpc\Client\Bean\Annotation\Reference;
use Swoft\Task\Bean\Annotation\Scheduled;
use Swoft\Task\Bean\Annotation\Task;
use App\Tars\Manage;
 * TarsKeepAlive task
 * @Task("tarsKeepAlive")
class TarsKeepAliveTask
     * @Scheduled(cron="*\/30 * * * * *")
    public function cronkeepAliveTask()
        $manage = new Manage();
        return 'cron';
// tars 平台入口文件
// 读取tars conf配置
// 处理合成 env文件
$args = $_SERVER['argv'];
$swoft_bin = dirname(__FILE__).'/bin/swoft ';
$arg_cmd = $args[2]=='start' ? 'start -d' : $args[2] ;
$cmd = "/usr/bin/php " . $swoft_bin . $arg_cmd;
exec($cmd, $output, $r);
